The Increase in Child Custody Battles. Fathers' have some limited rights with respect to abortion, although objection to carrying a child to term may not void a father's financial responsibilities. A person can claim fathers rights following child custody laws if: * The child was born on or after December 1, 2003, and he is named on the birth certificate as the birth father. Children's services are involved in my child's life, what are my rights as a father? You must make sure your children are financially supported, whether you have parental responsibility or not. Getting parental responsibilities and rights. Is the law, or are the courts, biased against dads? But I have no friends or family were we live in Brighton and I am from Newcastle. The mother and father of a child can agree that the father should have parental responsibilities and rights if they both sign and register an agreement. I have since moved out of London he refused to help towards homing them instead moving in with this lady and her four children. The movement's origin can be traced to 1974 when Families Need Fathers (FNF) was founded.