Legacy Dance and Fitness. Catering. @sunnycaliforniaweddings ©2021 COPYRIGHT SUNNY … Excellent Designs is a Wedding & Events Decorations company. 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It has a beautiful view in the Ocean where you can admire and get to have … We can help you navigate your boat rental in Marina del … ")}return(i=e[Symbol.iterator]()).next.bind(i)}function k(e,t){(null==t||t>e.length)&&(t=e.length);for(var i=0,r=new Array(t);i=t&&e<=i}e.exports.setTransformOptions=function(e,t){t=t||{},e.quality=function(e,t){var i=e.fileType===n.fileType.PNG&&e.isWEBPSupport;if(e.fileType===n.fileType.JPG||i){var a=r.last(e.parts),s=o(a.width,a.height),c=t.quality&&t.quality>=5&&t.quality<=90?t.quality:s;return c=i?c+5:c,parseInt(c,10)}return 0}(e,t),e.progressive=function(e){return!1!==e.progressive}(t),e.watermark=function(e){return e.watermark}(t),e.unsharpMask=function(e,t){var i;return function(e){e=e||{};var t=!isNaN(e.radius)&&"number"==typeof e.radius&&e.radius>=.1&&e.radius<=500,i=!isNaN(e.amount)&&"number"==typeof e.amount&&e.amount>=0&&e.amount<=10,r=!isNaN(e.threshold)&&"number"==typeof e.threshold&&e.threshold>=0&&e.threshold<=255;return t&&i&&r}(t.unsharpMask)?i={radius:t.unsharpMask.radius,amount:t.unsharpMask.amount,threshold:t.unsharpMask.threshold}:function(e){return e=e||{},!isNaN(e.radius)&&"number"==typeof e.radius&&0===e.radius&&!isNaN(e.amount)&&"number"==typeof e.amount&&0===e.amount&&!isNaN(e.threshold)&&"number"==typeof e.threshold&&0===e.threshold}(t.unsharpMask)||function(e){var t=r.last(e.parts);return! 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